General Policies & Regulations

344 Nguyen Trong Tuyen , W.2 , Tan Binh Dist, HCMC

0373 262 105 - 0962 033 838

Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt
General Policies & Regulations
Date Submitted: 5 tháng trước

1. General Policies & Regulations:
Website only provides service information of SONGWIN INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS VIETNAM and reference news from other official news sources.

2. Regulations and payment methods:
Website does not have online payment function.

3. Shipping/delivery policy:
   1. Traders, organizations and individuals must disclose the following information about shipping and delivery conditions applicable to goods or services introduced on the website:
      a) Methods of delivery or service provision: Airplane – ship – truck.
      b) Estimated time for delivery or service provision, taking into account geographical distance and delivery method: Depending on geographical distance, the earliest time is 1 day or up to 30 days. day.
      c) Geographical limitations for delivery of goods or provision of services: Delivery worldwide.

    2. In case of delay in delivery of goods or provision of services, traders, organizations and individuals must promptly provide information to customers and create opportunities for customers to cancel the contract if they wish. If for some reason the goods arrive later than expected, SONGWIN INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS VIETNAM will proactively handle the process so that the goods arrive promptly and the customer does not have to cancel the contract.

 4. Warranty/maintenance policy (group of goods/services with warranty): None

 5. Exchange/return and refund policy: None

6. Policy to protect consumers' personal information (See details in Articles 68 to 73 of Decree 52/2013/ND-CP), including: ------------ -----

      a) Purpose of collecting personal information: Sending service quote emails or e-newsletters.
      b) Scope of information use: Only email receives information or the person designated to receive information.
      c) Information storage period: When there is a request to cancel information storage from the customer
      d) People or organizations that can have access to that information: Only managers or people designated by managers receive customer information.
      d) Address of the information collection and management unit, including contact method so consumers can ask about information collection and processing activities related to them

Address: 344 Nguyen Trong Tuyen, Ward 3, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh

Hotline 1: 0373 26 21 05 -

Hotline 2: 0962 03 38 38 -


      e) Methods and tools for consumers to access and edit their personal data on the information collection unit's e-commerce system.
Customers cannot adjust personal information themselves but must contact admin: 0373 26 21 05 - to request to edit information.
In case of complaints from SONGWIN INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS VIETNAM, customers can contact phone number: 0373 26 21 05
